Questions for May 2020

Questions for May 2020
1 Do you think you could survive in the jungle?
2 Do you think being a father is more difficult than being a mother?
3 Many young children are now using addictive drugs. What do you think about this?
4 Is your society ageist?
5 What’s the best piece of advice your father has given you?
6 Why is an environmental problem a problem?
7 What are the good and bad things about voting?
8 What do you think of the idea of sitting on a sun drenched beach for a few weeks?
9 Have you voted in elections that are not just about politics?
10 How can governments reduce crime?
11 What do you think of the way people vote in other countries?
12 What do you think of modern literature?
13 Would you like to work with kangaroos – studying them, photographing them, helping protect them etc?
14 Do you think taking quizzes can help your English?
15 Do you think a career in photography would be interesting?
16 Is it easy to get a passport in your country?