Questions for June 2020

Questions for June 2020

1 What does the Internet need more of?
2 Are you interested in the trivia that is often found in quizzes?
3 Do you think the sun will one day provide us with all of our energy needs?
4 What questions would you like to ask a theatre actor?
5 Are there any famous songs or poems about the sun in your language?
6 Do old people understand today’s youth?
7 What would you do if your date spent more time on his/her mobile telephone than he/she spent talking to you?
8 Do you ever get nervous going through passport control at airports or border crossings?
9 What risks have you taken that have gone wrong, and which have worked?
10 What should governments do to help drug addicts?
11 Do you look at and remember the price of goods when you are shopping?
12 What are the most beautiful features of jungles?
13 What do you think of paparazzi photographers?
14 What problems are there of an aging population?
15 Which game are you best at?
16 Would you be a good peacemaker? Why do you think this?