Questions for May 2021

Questions for May 2021
  • Have you ever saved another person?
  • Do you visit the zoo?
  • Did you play with Lego?
  • Have you ever been to London?
  • Have you ever bought a stolen thing?
  • Do you have a surfboard?
  • What car do you drive?
  • Have you ever been attacked by an animal?
  • Do you know any policeman?
  • Do you have deer in your country?
  • Do you like the situation in your country?
  • Are you scared of flying?
  • Do you like history?
  • What is your favourite food?
  • Do you like fights?
  • What was your worst punishment at school?
  • What was the worst storm in your life?
  • Is life in your country better than in North Korea?
  • What is the most interesting building in the world?
  • Have you ever jumped from a plane?
  • Do you like astronomy?
  • What was the most dangerous situation in your life?

We hope you enjoy speaking to improve your English and to get new friends from around the whole world.